on the Materials of Research
Procedures in Experimental Physics
by John
Alkali metals.
One of the alkali metals may be required for the sensitive surface of
a photocell or as a thin-film filter for ultraviolet light; or in the
vapor phase the metal may be used for the demonstration of the phenomenon
of resonance radiation. For these and other applications we will outline,
briefly, some of the ways of manipulating these very reactive metals.
The alkali metal
may be prepared from the alkali chloride, reduced with calcium metal in
an evacuated glass tube:
2MCl + Ca
+ CaCl2 (1)
The reaction progresses
in the indicated direction at elevated temperatures on account of the
removal of the free alkali metal, M, by evaporation. This reaction
may be varied: A chromate of the alkali metal may be used instead of the
chloride, and zirconium metal may be used instead of calcium. The reaction
applies to the preparation of all the alkali metals, with the exception
of lithium, which reacts with the glass or quartz; lithium is best reduced
from its chromate with zirconium metal in an iron apparatus.
We will consider,
in detail, how potassium may be prepared by the reaction indicated in
Eq. 1. Pulverized potassium chloride and calcium metal filings are mixed
together in a closed-end iron tube in stoichiometrical proportions (3.7
g KC1 to 1 g Ca). This iron tube is introduced into the thickened end
of a hard-glass tube as shown in Fig. 1. The glass is thickened in order
to allow the attainment of the maximum temperature; at lower temperatures
where a thinner glass wall would collapse the reaction proceeds very slowly.
After the iron tube is introduced, the hard-glass tube is closed by fusing
the glass with the hand torch. After a good vacuum is attained, the chemicals
are heated, slowly at first and finally strongly until the reaction is
complete. The chemicals may be heated until the glass starts to soften,
but too much heat should be avoided, since it will distill calcium metal.
The reduced and once-distilled metal condenses in the bend of the tube
as shown in Fig. 1. From there, it is worked down with the flame into
the receiving ampoule, where it is sealed off as illustrated.
Fig. 2.
The alkali metals
react vigorously with air, and the ampoule should be opened without exposing
the metal to air. This is done by the following procedures: The ampoule
is constructed of Pyrex glass with an annular tungsten ring to spring
the glass. After the ampoule is mounted in the vacuum system, the tungsten
ring is heated with a high frequency induction coil until the glass breaks.
(See Fig. 2.)
A scheme which does
not involve the use of high-frequency heating but which breaks the glass
by impact is illustrated by Fig. 3. The illustrated depression in the
tube wall acts as a safety to confine the armature and prevent accidental
fracture of the ampoule until the apparatus is sealed onto the high-vacuum
system. During this sealing operation the depression is blown out of the
way of the armature. The armature is operated in the vacuum, by means
of an external electromagnet, to break the tip of the ampoule, thus exposing
the alkali metal. The tip may be scratched with a file to facilitate breaking.
The ampoule may be
cooled in a beaker with dry ice in the bottom and carbon dioxide vapor
above. The tip is opened under the surface of the carbon dioxide vapor.
The ampoule is then quickly transmitted to the vacuum system, sealed in,
and evacuated. The expansion of carbon dioxide in the ampoule through
the tip prevents access of air to the alkali metal.
Fig. 4.
The alkali metals,
as obtained commercially in small cubes or irregularly shaped pieces,
are packed submerged under kerosene. The metal may be cleaned and manipulated
as follows:1 First the metal is washed in dried petroleum ether
or benzene to free it from kerosene. The petroleum ether or benzene is
dried by shaking it in contact with calcium chloride. (Carbon tetrachloride
or chloroform should not be used to wash the metal, since an explosive
compound is formed.) The metal is then fused in the bottom of an 1-mm
glass tube and sucked up into a 1-mm capillary glass tube with a rubber
hose. This 1-mm tube is sealed off with a flame just above the metal.
At the other end the alkali is protected from the air by soft wax. A suitable
length of this composite glass-metal rod may be cut off with wire cutters
and introduced into a distilling bulb fastened to the vacuum system where
the metal is desired. (See Fig. 4.)
A distillation procedure2
for sodium metal is illustrated in Fig. 5 whereby the metal is refluxed
under vacuum to free it of hydrogen and carbohydrates (the hydrogen contained
in potassium or sodium, measured as a gas at atmospheric pressure, may
amount to one or two hundred times the volume of the metal). The metal
cubes are washed to free them of kerosene, as described above, and then
they are introduced into Chamber I. After the whole system is evacuated,
the metal is fused in this chamber. Chamber I acts as a separating funnel.
The fusion is accomplished by the application of a soft flame, so that
the metal runs into Chamber II, leaving the dross behind. Chamber I is
then removed at the seal-off. The metal is heated in Chamber II with small
electric furnace. Here it is refluxed for several hours. The distilled
metal condenses in the asbestos-insulated tube above Chamber II. This
refluxing allows hydrogen and hydrocarbon vapors to be pumped away. After
this treatment the metal is distilled into Chamber III by a heater wire
around the condenser tube. Chamber II is then removed at the seal-off.
Chamber III may be the receiver for the metal, or it may be further refluxed
and distilled into a final receiving ampoule. Electric heat is recommended
for distilling the alkali metal, since there is some danger of breaking
the glass if it is heated with a torch.
Fig. 6.
In manipulating the
alkali metals the following precautions should be observed: The amount
of metal manipulated should never be greater than necessary. A box of
sand should be at hand for the control of accidental fires. The alkali
metals should never be allowed to come in contact with water. Used metal
and apparatus containing the alkali metals should be disposed of by burying
only. It is advisable to wear goggles to protect the eyes while manipulating
the alkali metals.
Sodium may be prepared
by electrolysis through the soda-glass walls of an electric lamp. A 32-volt
lamp, which has a larger tungsten filament wire than the 110-volt lamp,
is best for this purpose. The lamp bulb is first evacuated by means of
a side tube sealed on for this purpose. It is then dipped in a bath of
fused sodium nitrate and nitrite and connected to a source of electrical
energy as shown in Fig. 6. Current is carried from the tungsten filament
to the glass walls of the lamp bulb by electrons or by means of a sodium
discharge, or in special cases by means of an argon discharge. The practical
details of this procedure are due to Dr. R. C. Burt, who graphically described
the procedure as one which allows the vacuum to be electroplated with
sodium.3 The free metal is formed from the reduced sodium ions
(which migrate through the solid glass electrolyte when a current flows).
These ions are reduced by electrons, or negative sodium (or argon) ions.
Faraday's law applies to the electrolysis. The spectrum of the sodium
vapor discharge has been photographed and the spectrum indicates high
purity of the electrolyzed metal. Impurities were estimated by Dr. Burt
as being present, at most, in the proportion of 2 parts per million. Sodium
prepared by electrolysis is characterized by the fact that it is completely
free of hydrogen and carbohydrates.
The electrolysis
current varies from a few milliamperes when the current is carried entirely
by electrons to a few hundred milliamperes when it is carried by sodium
ions. The sodium discharge is obtained by simply removing the air blast
on the lamp bulb which normally serves to keep the metal condensed.
Burt states that
the spectrum from the sodium discharge is not reversed, a warmed lamp
containing sodium will fluoresce if the light of the sodium discharge
from another lamp is focused on it. (See Fig. 7.)
Sodium may be introduced
into quartz photocells by means of a graded seal as shown in Fig. 8.
Potassium can be
electrolyzed through a potassium glass which is free of sodium and lead.
A bath of fused potassium nitrite and nitrate is used.
The alkali metals
potassium and sodium may be dissolved in the volatile solvent, liquid
ammonia, and deposited where they are desired by boiling away this solvent.
Lithium is managed in a similar manner with aethylamine as solvent.
All the alkali metals
react with glass at elevated temperatures and especially with lead glass,
with which they should not be allowed by come in contact.
The resistance of
Pyrex-glass tubes toward sodium can be improved if they are lined with
a film of borax or boracic acid. The tube to be lined is filled with a
hot saturated solution of borax. The borax precipitates from this solution
as crystals on the inner glass walls of the tube as the solution cools.
When the glass has become lined with a thin coating of crystals, the solution
is drawn off and the tube carefully dried. It is then evacuated, and the
water is driven off by heating. At first the heating is gentle, but finally
the tube is fired at the maximum temperature the glass will stand. This
gives the tube a smooth sodium resistant inner surface.
The potassium-sodium
alloys, lying within the composition range 45 to 90 per cent potassium,
are liquid at room temperature.
Alkali-earth metals.
The chief uses of the alkali-earth metals, as getters, depend on their
reactions with oxygen to form oxides, with carbon dioxide to form carbides
and oxides, with water to form hydrides and oxides, and with nitrogen
to form nitrides.
When fresh calcium
filings are heated in a quartz tube or heavy-walled Pyrex side tube, connected
to an apparatus such as a thermopile, the calcium reacts with all the
residual gases (except the noble gases). A fairly good vacuum can be obtained
with such a side tube even when starting at atmospheric pressure. For
example, the argon spectrum may be obtained in a discharge tube evacuated
from half of an atmosphere pressure with such a calcium side tube. Each
time the tube is evacuated from atmospheric pressure with calcium, the
residual pressure of argon (calculated from its abundance in the atmosphere)
is increased by 7 mm.
Barium is a more
reactive metal than calcium.4 It is used as a getter for commercial
radio tubes. For this application, the metal is sometimes cast in a seamless
tube of nickel or copper which is drawn down to wire. These composite
wires are known as Niba and Cuba wires. The wires are cut into short lengths,
which are introduced into radio tubes and other places where the getter
action is desired. The volatile core metal is subsequently boiled out
of the nickel or copper covering tube by means of heat generated with
a high-frequency induction coil.
Mercury. Although
mercury approaches the noble metals in chemical inertness, it is easily
contaminated, especially by other metals. This is because, as a liquid,
it is a fairly good solvent. A simple test for the purity of a sample
of mercury is to raise a clean glass rod slowly up through the metal surface.
If the mercury is clean, the glass will come up without any adhering mercury
Fig. 9.
The contaminations
commonly found in mercury may be classified according to the manner in
which they can be easily removed. First come surface contaminations by
materials which do not dissolve in the liquid metal and may, accordingly,
be removed by filtering the metal through pinholes in filter paper or
through a chamois skin. Second, there are the dissolved metals. Those
which are oxidizable are first converted to insoluble oxides by the blowing
of air through the mercury as shown in Fig. 9(a). The oxides form a scum
on the mercury surface and may later be filtered off. Mercury is practically
free of impurities of this type if, after air has been blown through the
liquid metal 2 hour, no scum has formed on the surface. The alkali metals
fall into this class of impurities; here also belong zinc, with a high
vapor pressure, and copper and lead, with low vapor pressures. These metals,
which are more reactive than mercury, can also be removed by exposing
the mercury to a solution of 10 per cent HNO3 or 80 per cent
H2SO4. This is shown in Fig. 9(b). Thirdly, there
are the dissolved metals, such as the noble metals and tin, which cannot
be removed by oxidation or acid. Copper and lead may also be considered
as belonging to this class of contaminations. These metals are removed
by vacuum distillation of the mercury at a temperature of about 180
to 200C. (at which temperature
the mercury distills at the rate of approximately 1/2 g/cm2/sec.)
as indicated by Fig. 9(c).
The vapor pressure
of mercury is given in Table I. It is to be noted thoughtfully that at
room temperature the vapor density of mercury is many times greater than
the accepted nonpoisonous concentration limit, which is 1 milligram of
mercury per cubic meter. According to Stock, continual breathing of air
containing only 15 micrograms per cubic meter of mercury for a few weeks
will make most persons ill.5 The vapor pressure of mercury
is hazardously high in many laboratories. In a Berlin physical laboratory
the typical concentration of mercury vapor in the air was found to be
about 20 to 60 micrograms per cubic meter; in one room it was 500 micrograms
per cubic meter. Heat produced by turning on mercury pumps doubled the
concentration of mercury vapor in the air.6
Platinum metals.
Platinum is chemically resistant to alkalies and hydrofluoric acid. However,
it is attacked by chlorine vapor and aqua regia. Metallic salts should
not be heated in platinum under conditions which may result in the reduction
of the metal and the consequent debasement and embrittlement of the platinum.
This applies particularly to lead salts. The elements phosphorus and silicon
also attack platinum and make it brittle, and they may change its other
properties. For example, even the small amount of silicon introduced into
the platinum when it is heated in contact with porcelain in a reducing
atmosphere makes an appreciable change in the thermoelectric power and
electrical resistance.
Platinum is so ductile
that wires may be drawn directly as fine as 20
diameter. By Wollaston's procedure a platinum rod is covered with a close-fitting
silver tube, and this composite rod is drawn through wire dies. After
the silver has been etched off the final wire with nitric acid, the platinum
wire obtained may be as small as 1/2
in diameter. Wollaston wire is often used for fuses to protect delicate
10. Borelius,
G., and Lindblom, S., Ann. d. Physik, 82, 201 (1927). Smithells,
C.J., and Ransley, C.E., Roy. Soc., Proc., 150, 172 (1935).
Sieverts, A., Zeits. f. Matallkunde, 21, 37 (1929).
A physical property
of platinum which is of interest to the physicist is its "transparency"
to hydrogen gas at temperatures above 700C.
(See Fig. 10.) This property is employed to obtain very pure hydrogen.
Platinum is a refractory
metal. For this reason it may be used for furnace windings and as a base
for oxide cathodes.
Iridium is harder
and more resistant to chemical attack than platinum; it is not attacked
by aqua regia. Accordingly, it is often alloyed with platinum in proportions
up to 30 per cent to yield a metal which is superior to platinum in respect
to chemical resistance and hardness.
Rhodium is alloyed
with platinum (90 Pt to 10 Rh) to yield the LeChatelier thermocouple alloy.
Rhodium is a bright inert metal and for this reason it is used for electroplating
other metals.
Osmium is the most
refractory metal of the platinum family, with a melting temperature of
2700C. It was once used in incandescent
lamps but has now been replaced by tungsten for this use. Incidentally,
it is the heaviest known substance, having a density of 22.5 g/cm3.
Palladium is the
least noble of the platinum metals. It oxidizes when heated in air and
is dissolved in nitric acid. 3 Hydrogen diffuses through palladium more
rapidly than through platinum. At atmospheric pressure palladium will
~ dissolve about 6 mg H2 per 100 g of metal to form the " alloy
" Pd2H. The hydrogen is given off again if the metal is heated,
in vacuum, to temperatures above 300C.
(See Fig. 10.) This property affords a convenient source of extremely
pure hydrogen in small quantities.
Fig. 11.
Espe, W., and Knoll, M., Werkstoff-kunde der Hochvakuumtechnik,
pqge 18. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1936
The refractory
metals: Tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, and so forth. Tungsten is
the most refractory metal and also the strongest. Wires of .0014 inch
in diameter exhibit a tensile strength of 590,000 lbs./square inch. Tungsten
is quite "unorthodox" in its behavior with respect to cold working and
heat. Passing it through dies makes it more ductile, while heating it
to a temperature greater than 1000C.
causes recrystallization and makes it brittle, a situation just opposite
to the behavior of most metals. The ductility of tungsten at ordinary
temperatures is due to its long fibrous crystal grains. Fig. 11 shows
the--ductility of tungsten at various temperatures. It will be noted that
recrystallized brittle tungsten is ductile if heated to temperatures greater
than 200C.
Traces of water vapor
are corrosive on the tungsten filaments in vacuum electric lamps. The
water molecule reacts with hot tungsten to form tungsten oxide and atomic
hydrogen, both of which evaporate to the glass wall of the bulb, where,
owing to catalytic effect of the glass, they react to give metallic tungsten
and water vapor again. The water molecule is now free again to repeat
its action on the tungsten filament.
Tungsten reacts with
oxygen and carbon monoxide, in vacuum, to form oxides and carbides. Tungsten
is not attacked or affected by mercury vapor or hydrogen gas. In air,
at a yellow heat, tungsten reacts with oxygen to form volatile oxides,
which distill off as white smoke.
Molybdenum is more
ductile than tungsten. Otherwise, it is very similar to tungsten, and
the two metals form alloys in all proportions. Some of these alloys are
used commercially. Their properties are, in general, a compromise between
the higher melting temperature of tungsten, on the one hand, and the greater
workability and machinability of molybdenum, on the other.
Molybdenum and tungsten
do not soft-solder or amalgamate with mercury, but both metals may be
welded to nickel or Advance alloy. Nickel is frequently welded to tungsten
to facilitate connecting it by spot-welding, soldering, or brazing to
other less refractory metals.
Tungsten or molybdenum
may be cleaned by heating the metal to a red heat and rubbing its surface
with a piece of potassium or sodium nitrite.
In many respects
tantalum is like molybdenum and tungsten.8 Tantalum, when it
is very pure, is one of the most ductile metals. However, when heated
in hydrogen or air, tantalum becomes brittle. To anneal tantalum, it must
be heated to about 800C. in
a vacuum better than mm of
mercury. Because tantalum readily gives off occluded gas if heated above
800C., it is used as a construction
material in vacuum tubes.
To spot-weld this
metal successfully, it must be submerged under carbon tetrachloride or
water. It may be machined using carbon tetrachloride as a cutting fluid,
and spun using hard laundry soap as lubricant.
Columbium occurs
with tantalum and has many properties in common with it. It is less refractory
and more ductile than tantalum. It is used as a substitute for tantalum.
Rhenium is the heaviest
member of the manganese subgroup in the periodic table, and it is very
refractory, its melting temperature being only about 200
below that of tungsten.
Alloys. Invar.
The iron-nickel alloy, 63.5 Fe, 36 Ni, 0.5 Mn, is known as Invar. Its
coefficient of expansion is only low for temperatures below 120C.,
being per degree centigrade.
The heat conduction of Invar is also very low, being only 1/40 that of
copper. Invar does not corrode. It is used for the construction of surveyor's
tapes and instruments in which the dimensions are required to remain constant
in spite of temperature changes. The alloy melts at 1425C.
alloys.9 Nickel-chromium alloys are characterized by a
high electrical resistance (about 58 times that of copper), a low temperature
coefficient of resistance, and a high resistance to oxidation. Examples
are Chromel A and Nichrome V, of which the typical composition is 80 Ni
and 20 Gr., with the melting point at 1420C.
When some iron is
added to the nickel-chromium alloys, it makes them more ductile. Nichrome
and Chromel C are examples of these iron-containing alloys. The typical
composition of Nichrome is 60 Ni, 12 Cr, 26 Fe, 2 Mn, and of Chromel C,
64 Ni, 11 Cr, 25 Fe. The melting temperatures of these alloys are 1350
and 1390C. respectively. The
change of resistance with temperature for these alloys is illustrated
in Fig. 12.
Thermocouple alloys.
Chromel P gives a useful base-metal thermocouple in combination with
the alloy Alumel (94 Ni, 2-1/2 Mn, 1/2 Fe). The thermocouple wires are
welded together under a borax flux to make the junction. None of the Chromels
braze, but they all may be welded to nickel.
Constantan (45 Ni,
55 Cu) has practically zero temperature coefficient of resistance up to
a temperature of 400C. Also,
it gives a high thermal e.m.f. against copper, making an excellent thermocouple.
Constantan exhibits high resistance to oxidation and corrosion. It solders
Solders. Solders
are required to flow onto the surface of the metals to be joined and to
alloy with the surface layers of the metals. Also, they should be ductile,
have high strength, and be noncorrosive.
Silver solder best
meets all these requirements. It is used for joining brass, steel, stainless
steels, and many other metals. Silver solders are, in effect, brazing
alloys of the composition (4 Cu to 3 Zn) with silver added. A solder melting
at 693C. contains 65 per cent
silver, while one melting at 760C.
contains but 20 per cent silver.
High-quality soft
solder is half tin and half lead. Solders are often made with a higher
content of lead, since the tin component is more expensive than lead.
Such solders are inferior, since it is the tin component that makes the
solder run well and adhere well. "Half-and-half " solder melts at 188C.
The properties of various solders are given in Table II.
Brass and Bronze.
Brass is the most widely used construction material in the physical laboratory.
It is fundamentally a copper-zinc alloy. Red brass (10 to 20 per cent
zinc), or so-called Tombak alloy, is used for making flexible corrugated
tubes (such as Silphon tubes) when maximum ductility is required; yellow
or common brass, which contains copper and zinc in the proportions 65
to 35, with small lead additions to increase its machinability, is used
where springiness is desired.
Brasses are less
expensive than the copper-tin alloys or bronzes. They are also softer
and more ductile. Brasses are used for drawing and rolling, whereas bronzes
are primarily casting materials. Bronze castings are much more likely
to be vacuum tight than brass castings. Also, because bronzes have small
crystals of the hard brittle compound Cu4Sn, they make good
bearing metals (the 68.2 copper bronze, Cu4Sn, is the true
speculum metal used for optical gratings and for mirrors).10
The aluminum alloy with composition 95 A1, 4 Cu, 1/2 Mg, 1/2 Mn, is known
as Duraluminum. Duraluminum is employed extensively in many cases where
brass was formerly used. For about 45 minutes after it has been heat treated
at 530C. and quenched in water,
Duraluminum is ductile and can be rolled, bent, or cold-worked. After
this interval a copper aluminum compound is precipitated out of solid
solution, and this precipitate " keys " the crystals of the alloy at their
slip planes, giving the alloy increased hardness and strength. The tensile
strength, originally 30,000 lbs./square inch after quenching, becomes
as great as 75,000 lbs./square inch after cold-working and aging. Duraluminum
rivets are frequently stored in buckets cooled with dry ice. They may
be used as desired, for this low temperature arrests the aging process,
and the metal does not harden until after it has warmed up to room temperature.
Two kinds of wood are obtained from a tree: heartwood and sapwood. The
heartwood is formed early in the life of the tree and, as the name implies,
is found near the center of the trunk. Protoplasms present when the tree
is young are gradually replaced by deposits of gum, minerals, tannin,
and pigments to form this heartwood as the tree becomes older. These substances
make it heavier, stronger, and in most cases darker than the sapwood.
The heartwood of the redwood tree, which is particularly free from gums
and oils, is an exception. In other heartwoods there are abundant deposits.
For example, in lignum vitae, these compounds produce an oiliness (especially
when the wood is wet) which makes it suitable as a bearing material.
Sapwood, or the outer
part of the tree, is more pliable than heartwood. Therefore, in using
such woods as hickory and ash, which are noted for their adequate strength,
the outer part of the trunk may be preferred to the heartwood because
of its pliability.
Effects of temperature.
Some of the effects of temperature on wood are due to the gum deposits.
High temperature softens these gums, making the wood weaker and more liable
to split. On the other hand, low temperatures produce increased brittleness.
thermal expansion of wood in directions parallel and perpendicular to
the grain is given in Table III. It will be noted that the expansion parallel
to the grain is less for wood than for most of the metals. This property
is a useful one, and it should be kept in mind and used in the construction
of instruments where invariance of length is desired, as, for example,
in a telescope tube, in which the relative distance between the optical
components should not change with changes in temperature.
The heat conductivity
of several common types of wood is given in Table IV. The conduction of
heat is from two to four times as great along the grain as it is across
it. The conductivity depends, in a large measure, on the moisture content.
To obtain maximum heat insulation, the wood must be dry. To keep it dry,
particularly if the wood is to be exposed to low temperatures, it should
be coated with paraffin.
Effects of moisture.
One drawback to the use of wood as a material for construction, especially
for scientific apparatus, lies in the fact that its dimensions may change
considerably with its change in moisture content. We may take-the shrinkage
from the green to the dry condition as an index of the changes one may
expect with changes in humidity and residual curing. This shrinkage (radial
and tangential) for several woods is given in Table V.
Among the hardwoods,
evergreen magnolia is prized as one which does not warp. This may be understood
by referring to Table V, where we see that of all the woods it is the
one whose radial and tangential shrinkages are most nearly equal.
Most of the shrinkage
in wood is at right angles to the grain; the longitudinal shrinkage, taken
from the green to the cured condition, is seldom greater than 1/10 to
1/3 per cent. (It is greater than this for some woods, particularly woods
grown under strong compression. Yellow pine compression wood, for example,
may shrink longitudinally as much as 2-1/2 per cent when it is cured.
Redwoods also exhibit considerable longitudinal shrinkage. However, longitudinal
shrinkage is negligible for most of the other woods.) This property of
wood, in addition to the low thermal expansion parallel to the grain,
explains why wood has been used so successfully for rulers; it may suggest
other applications for wood in the laboratory.
When a piece of wood
is carved or cut to precise dimensions that are to be maintained, it should
be painted at once with several coats of shellac, in order to maintain
the moisture equilibrium already established. Linseed oil is less effective,
while paraffin is more effective than shellac for this purpose. Molten
paraffin is applied by pouring it over the surface with a spoon. The boiling
of wood in paraffin causes it to become brittle.
Strength of wood.
Strength and rigidity do not vary from wood to wood as much as is
commonly supposed. For example, the bending strength of shagbark hickory
is only 2.6 times as great as that of sugar pine, and pine is inferior
to hickory in rigidity by a factor of only 1.9. Pine differs from hickory
not so much in stiffness as in brittleness- pine breaks where hickory
bends. Spruce, of all the common woods, has the highest strength for its
The tensile strength
of wood varies in different directions. Along the grain its strength is
ordinarily from ten to twenty times as great as it is across the grain
Also, the modulus of to their homogeneity or the degree of similarity
between the physical properties of the spring and the summer growth. Also,
it is desirable to have a fine grain, a quality possessed by many hardwoods,
especially mahogany. Of the common softwoods, poplar and sugar pine are
the most homogeneous and easiest to work.
Some wood substitutes
are now available which are nearly isotropic. These are formed of bonded
cellulose fibers. Although they are quite homogeneous, they are not so
easily worked as wood with the plane and chisel, and nailing splits them.
They can be sawed with the ordinary wood saw. Masonite is an example of
such a wood substitute.12 It comes, chiefly, in three grades,
a light material which is a good heat insulator, a harder material which
is suitable for making boxes for instruments, and an oil-tempered waterproof
Waxes and cements.
The physicist uses waxes and cements to seal windows into apparatus, tubes
in plates, tubes together, and so forth. He uses them also to support
and fasten down lenses, prisms, and mirrors. Of all waxes available, the
most useful for making improvised supports and seals is the so-called
universal wax.
Universal wax.
Universal wax is made from 1 part Venetian turpentine and 5 parts beeswax.
It is usually, although not necessarily, colored with vermilion. It should
be made up in small quantities, for it oxidizes, with the result that
it becomes hard and loses its desirable properties. Old pieces may be
useful if the outside oxidized layers are removed and discarded. The usefulness
of this wax depends upon its adhesive and plastic properties. It is quite
plastic at the slightly elevated temperature attained when the wax is
worked between the fingers. When it cools, it becomes fairly rigid.
Beeswax and rosin.
Beeswax and rosin compound is prepared by melting together equal parts
of beeswax and rosin. Its softening point is at the temperature which
just begins to feel hot (47C.)
and it is liquid at 10 above
this temperature. Its outstanding property is its adhesiveness to cold
metal. It is not very strong, but its strength is adequate for sealing
vacuum systems and for fixing apparatus, as, for example, fastening a
prism to the prism table of a spectrometer. It can be applied with a brush,
an eye-dropper, or the blade of a knife. To secure the best bond to cold
metal, the wax should be applied smoking hot with an eye-dropper or a
knife. When it has been used for sealing down a bell jar, it can be removed
with a putty knife, remelted, and used over and over. The smoking temperature
distills off some of the beeswax, causing the compound to become harder.
It may be retempered by adding more beeswax. There are many applications
for which this wax is not suitable because it shrinks a great deal on
solidifying. It is best "dissolved" by a mixture of equal parts of carbon
tetrachloride and ethyl alcohol.
Shellac. In
its pure state, shellac in stick form is known as lapidarist's cement.
It has a high tensile strength and shear strength. (Both are about 3800
lbs./square inch.) Only the natural orange shellac possesses this high
strength. The main ingredient of the better grades of sealing wax and
especially banker's wax is shellac.
Shellac is used in
commerce chiefly for the manufacture of phonograph records, varnishes,
and as an insulator in the electrical industry. It has a higher resilience
than almost any other wax, and it is this property which gives long life
to phonograph records.
The best solvent
for shellac is alcohol. This solution yields a varnish which has many
uses in the laboratory. When it is very thick, it is useful for hunting
leaks in vacuum systems.
Shellac is polymerized
by heat, giving a product which is harder, has a higher softening temperature,
and is less soluble in alcohol than the uncured material. This polymerization
is accompanied by a chemical loss of water and a two- to threefold increase
in molecular weight. Half of the uncured shellac is transformed into this
harder variety by heating for 30 hours at 90C.;
at 150C. it is completely transformed
in 3 hours. When the pure shellac is to be used as a cement, it is desirable
to have it in the unpolymerized state.
Commercial shellac
may legally be designated as pure although it may contain as much as 3
per cent rosin. This materially weakens it. It is possible, however, to
obtain shellac which is free from this adulterant.13
Tempered shellac.
When shellac is tempered with 20 to 40 per cent wood tar, we have a wax
similar to the familiar DeKhotinsky cement. This wax is not affected by
water, carbon disulphide, benzol, petroleum benzine, or turpentine. It
is affected only slightly by ether, chloroform, and sulphuric, nitric,
or hydrochloric acids.
When DeKhotinsky
cement is heated in a flame, it emits an odor and is somewhat inflammable.
A new variety of tempered shellac, which has no odor and is not so inflammable,
is now sold by the Central Scientific Company under the trade name of
Sealstix. Sealstix has a greater working range of temperature than pure
shellac and a very high strength.
Shellac can be tempered
with butyl phthalate. The resulting compound has a very low vapor pressure
and is particularly suitable for high-vacuum work. It is odorless and
relatively noninflammable.
Shellac can also
be tempered to varying degrees with oil of cassia. About 10 per cent oil
is quickly added to the molten shellac. The oil gives a compound with
an agreeable odor. It is useful for many purposes when its vapor pressure
is not important.
Shellac can also
be tempered with amyl acetate for use when the vapor pressure of this
constituent is unobjectionable. Most of this solvent evaporates when the
cemented elements are maintained at an elevated temperature (80C.)
for an hour or so. A mixture of 2 ounces of amyl acetate to 100 g of shellac
gives a cement with a strength in excess of 2500 lbs./square inch.14
Picein. This
sealing compound is characterized by low vapor pressure, plasticity at
room temperature, and chemical inertness. Its low working temperature
(it becomes quite plastic at 50C.
and is liquid at 80C.), together
with its adhesiveness, recommends it for many applications. Besides its
use for sealing tubes together and repairing leaks in vacuum systems,
it is also used in the optical industry. It is practically unaffected
by alcohol. Picein is immune even to a short immersion in cold dichromate
cleaning solution. It is dissolved by benzol and turpentine. Its insulating
qualities are said to be as good as amber if it is not overheated. It
comes in two grades, the second being characterized by a liquefying temperature
of 105C.15
Apiezon compounds.16
Apiezon compounds are especially refined residues of paraffin oils freed
from high vapor pressure constituents.
The sealing compound
"Q" contains graphite. It is plastic at ordinary temperatures and has
a vapor pressure of mm at
room temperature, and, applied to ordinary twine, it is recommended as
a packing for vacuum valves.
Apiezon wax " W "
has the lowest vapor pressure of any of the waxes now available. It is
necessary to heat this wax to 180C.
in order to raise its vapor pressure to
mm of mercury. It melts at 70C.,
but it can best be applied at 100C.
or higher. Molten, it wets metals and glass and is quite fluid. It is
fairly strong at ordinary temperatures. It is soluble in zylene.
Silver chloride.
Silver chloride is recommended for seals that must hold at elevated temperatures.
It melts at 455C. It is insoluble
in water, alcohol, benzol, and acid. It is, however, soluble in a solution
of sodium thiosulphate. Most metals and glasses are wet by fused silver
chloride. It is useful for sealing optically worked windows on a discharge
tube. The window, after being sealed, is cooled slowly to prevent it from
Espe and Knoll describe
an enamel which they recommend for cementing optical plane parallels on
a discharge tube.17 This is a mixture of clay and boracic acid,
the melting point of which is 450
to 600C. It is applied, as is
silver chloride, by heating both the window and discharge tube in an electric
The bonding materials
which we have considered above are thermoplastics. With the exception
of shellac, the changes in their properties are reversible with temperature
We will now treat those substances which set, which can be vulcanized,
and which polymerize by the application of heat. They include the synthetic
resins, rubber cements, and inorganic cements.
Synthetic resins
treated of here fall into three broad divisions. These are, first, the
polymerized phenol aldehydes, of which Bakelite is an example; second,
the condensation products formed by polyhydric alcohols with polybasic
acids (these are termed alkyd resins, of which Glyptal is an example);
and third, the polymerized derivatives of methacrylic acid, of which Lucite
and Plexiglas are examples.
Bakelite comes in several forms that are useful to the physicist. The
properties of these vary from liquid or soluble solids in the uncured
condition to stable insoluble solids in the cured condition. Bakelite
in the latter condition is obtainable in the form of clear, transparent
sheets, blocks, tubes, and so forth. This material is light (density,
1.27) and strong (7000 lbs./square inch), is a good electrical insulator,
and is insensitive to moderate heat. In this completely polymerized form
it does not melt, and it chars only at a temperature of 285C.
Chemically, it is relatively inert. The completely polymerized Bakelite
is unaffected by hot water, oils, greases, alcohol, acetone, benzene,
dilute mineral acids, including hydrofluoric, and soap. It is practically
nonhygroscopic. These properties recommend it as a material for making
transparent chemical apparatus, such as burettes, pipettes, beakers, and
so forth. Transparent forms of Bakelite are suitable for making models
for photoelastic studies with polarized light.
Several molded and
laminated products bonded with Bakelite are available commercially. These
have canvas, wood fiber, asbestos, or graphite as a base. The asbestos-base
material is especially heat resistant, and the graphite-base material
is useful for dry bearings.
Bakelite varnishes
usually consist of solutions of the unpolymerized form. After application
and drying, the varnish films are transformed to the insoluble form by
Bakelite cements
come in the form of solids and viscous liquids. The solid form melts at
about 80C. (in hot water) and
is transformed by heat to a form which does not melt. The liquid forms
contain a volatile solvent. It is first necessary to evaporate this by
preliminary heating of 1 to 4 hours at 80C.,
after which the residue is polymerized by heating for 2 hours at 120C.
A self-hardening cement is available which will set at room temperature.
Vacuum seals made with these cements have a low vapor pressure and can
be used to temperatures slightly above 100C.
A general-utility
cement can be made by mixing Bakelite varnish with red lead. This hardens
rapidly and will withstand high pressure, steam, oil, and moderate heating.
Alkyd resins.19
Alkyd resins are formed by the condensation of phthalic anhydride on glycol,
glycerol, or other polyhydric alcohols. Glycol phthalate is useful as
a vacuum-sealing cement because of its low vapor pressure, fluidity, and
wetting power when melted. In addition, it may be cured to give it increased
strength and inertness. It is also noted for its adhesiveness to aluminum.
It is inert toward mineral oils. Dehydrating catalysts, such as zinc oxide,
hasten the cure of these compounds and serve as a filler to economize
on the resin, as, for example, in lamp-basing cements.
Lucite and Plexiglas.
Lucite and Plexiglas are trade names for methyl (and ethyl) methacrylate,
polymerized derivatives of methacrylic acid.20 These materials
are sold as a cast resin in the form of sheets, rods, and tubes, as a
thermoplastic powder, and as the unpolymerized liquid.
The methyl methacrylate
monomer is a mobile liquid which can be polymerized in almost any desired
form. The monomer boils at 100C.
and has a heat of polymerization of about 80 calories/g. As it is obtained
from the factory, it contains an inhibitor, such as hydroquinone or pyrogallol,
to prevent it from polymerizing at room temperature. To use the liquid,
this inhibitor is removed by washing with caustic, the liquid is dried,
and an accelerator, usually benzoyl peroxide, is added to catalyze the
polymerization. The volume of the monomer is 20 per cent greater than
the volume of the polymer finally obtained, so that considerable art must
be invoked to prevent the formation of voids when the monomer condenses.
The polymerized methyl
methacrylate, Lucite, has the optical properties given in Table VII. (See
also Table VI, Optics: Light Souurces, Filters, and Optical Instruments.)
The polymers are inert toward water and insoluble in the straight chain
hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ethers and in most fats, oils, and waxes.
They are, however, dissolved by lower ketone and ester solvents, and by
mixtures of the aromatic hydrocarbons when small amounts of alcohol are
These polymers are
vastly different from Bakelite and the plastic, Catalin, in respect to
cutting. Whereas Catalin and Bakelite quickly remove the edge from high-speed
steel (in fact, cold-rolled steel is just about as good for cutting them
as high-speed steel), Lucite and Plexiglas can be cut by the hour without
the edge of the tool becoming dulled.
Fish-glue cement.
A cement which is inert toward most organic solvents is made from a thick
solution of 3 ounces of fish glue, 1/4 ounce of potassium bichromate,
and a little ammonia. The cement so formed is allowed to dry and is then
heated in an air oven until it assumes a chocolate-brown color. This cement
is often used on Pulfrich refractometers.
Rubber cements.
Rubber cements are conveniently classified as follows: nonvulcanizing
cements, which attain their strength simply by the evaporation of a solvent;
vulcanizing cements, in which a chemical change occurs after the evaporation
of the solvent; and thermoplastic cements. Some of the vulcanizing cements
contain sulphur, while others are vulcanized simply by painting a vulcanizing
liquid, sulphur chloride, on the rubber after it has been applied.
The synthetic thermoplastic
rubber-like products Neoprene (manufactured by DuPont Company) and Koroseal
(manufactured by the Goodrich Rubber Company) have many useful properties.
These materials are remarkably stable chemically; they are inert toward
acids and alkalies, E as well as many fats and oils.
Plaster of Paris.
This is frequently used to support large glass bulbs containing mercury.
The plaster suspended in water to the consistency of a paste is cast between
the bulb and a loose-fitting wooden support. Salt shortens the time required
for plaster of Paris to set, while a trace of glue acts in the opposite
way. The glass may first be wiped with oil so that the plaster will not
adhere to it. This facilitates subsequent dismantling.
Litharge and glycerin.
This combination gives a cement useful for the same type of applications
for which plaster of Paris is useful. It is inert toward water, most acids,
and all alkalies, and holds up to temperatures of 260C.
It is prepared by mixing pulverized Litharge (which has been first thoroughly
heated at 400C.) with pure glycerin
to the consistency of a paste.21
Other irreversible
cements. Water glass forms cements when mixed with the carbonates or oxides
of calcium, magnesium, zinc, lead, or iron. In a few hours these mixtures
set to rock hardness. Combined with talc, water glass makes a cement which
holds even at a red heat. This cement will not chip off from glass at
liquid air temperatures.
Zinc oxychloride
cement is used extensively in dentistry. It is formed from a 60 per cent
zinc chloride solution and zinc oxide powder mixed to the consistency
of a thick paste. These constituents react to give zinc oxychloride. To
insure that the oxide is free from carbonate, it should first be heated
until it turns yellow to calcine the carbonates.
Nine parts kaolin
mixed with one part borax give a cement useful to 1600C.
The constituent powders are mixed, and water is added to facilitate application.
After the water evaporates, the cement is slowly heated to a yellow heat
in order to set it.
Insa-lute cement,
a commercial product, is a thick white suspension of refractory substance
in water glass. It sets on drying to form a white material having the
texture of porcelain. It is an electrical insulator and stands firing
to about 1100F. It adheres to
metal, glass, and porcelain. It attacks chromium-alloy wire at elevated
temperatures and should not be used in contact with it. One should use
a refractory cement such as Alundum cement in contact with chromium-alloy
Glue. Unquestionably,
the best bonding material for wood is glue. Glues are more effective for
the lighter woods, which contain less oils and resins, than for the dense
woods. There are three kinds of glue: casein, blood albumin, and animal
glues. The first two are useful for general construction work. The animal
glues exhibit greater strength, but they are softened by moisture. Casein
glue is made from milk protein and lime. Blood glues contain caustic soda
and water glass. Both the latter glues require heat and pressure for their
application. They are water resistant and are used for making plywood.
Animal glue is best
applied hot. Cabinet and pattern makers usually keep a hot glue pot. For
occasional use, however, air-drying glues are quite satisfactory for joining
wood as well as leather. Air-drying glue is applied to the surfaces which
are to be fastened together. The glue films on these surfaces are allowed
to dry until the glue is definitely stringy. At this stage the surfaces
are clamped together, and the glue is allowed to become completely dry.
There are two kinds of lubrication with liquids. In the first and most
common kind, called complete lubrication, the bearing surfaces are separated
by a layer of oil about .005 inch in thickness. The friction, and consequently
the amount of heat produced in the lubricant, depend on the thickness
and viscosity of the liquid.
In the second kind
of lubrication the surfaces are in contact. Friction and galling are diminished
and prevented by an absorbed surface film. The tenacity with which this
film adheres and the effectiveness with which it reduces friction are
determined by a quality called the oiliness of the liquid. The lubrication
of surfaces in contact is called boundary lubrication. In general, mineral
oils are more suitable for the first type of lubrication, and vegetable
and animal fats, as well as soaps, are more suitable for the boundary
lubrication. The friction in the case of boundary lubrication is usually
less when the surfaces are covered with a surface film of high molecular
weight. High viscosity (which is associated with high molecular weight)
gives more friction in the case of complete lubrication.
Fig. 13.
Sir Wm. B. Hardy
and Miss Ida Doubleday22 have studied the coefficient of boundary
friction for various materials, and the results of their study are illustrated
by Fig. 13.
The boundary friction
is represented in this figure for glass rubbing on glass, steel on steel,
and bismuth on bismuth. The coefficient of friction is plotted as ordinate
against the molecular weight of the lubricant as abscissa. The paraffins
and the alcohols and acids of the paraffin series are the liquids used
as lubricants.
We see that for very
high molecular weights, particularly in the case of the fatty acids, the
coefficient of friction is expected to be zero, and, indeed, for some
compounds Hardy found the static friction to be less than the minimum
amount that he could measure.
Of these results,
Hardy and Doubleday say:
It will be seen that
for each chemical series, and for each solid, the curve is a straight
line. The equation is therefore
where M is
molecular weight and a and b are parameters. The effect
of the nature of the solid face is unexpectedly simple. In changing from
glass to steel the curve for a series is merely moved parallel to itself,
and in changing from steel to bismuth there is a further shifting. Therefore,
in the equation the parameter a is independent of the nature of the solid
face and dependent only on chemical type, varying from one chemical series
to another. The parameter b, on the other hand, is dependent upon the
nature of the solid face as well as upon the chemical series.
From the above expression
one might expect the coefficient of friction for two dissimilar surfaces
to be a mean of the coefficient for the two separate surfaces, and Table
VIII, from the paper of Hardy and Doubleday, shows how well this expectation
is realized.
The addition of a
small amount of fatty acid to a mineral oil materially improves lubrication,
especially where the bearing surfaces come in contact and the character
of lubrication changes from the complete type to the boundary type. The
higher efficiency of boundary lubrication obtained in this way is due
to the adsorption of a fatty acid film of high molecular weight on the
bearing surfaces.
The suitability of
a lubricant for use in a scientific instrument often depends primarily
upon the ability of the lubricant to form stable films which cover the
surface of the metal and produce a diminution of static friction between
sliding metal parts. Oils which are rich in vegetable or animal fats are
superior to petroleum oils in this regard. Hydrated lanolin is an excellent
lubricant for sliding friction heads in which a low starting (or static)
friction is important. Unfortunately, it is somewhat corrosive.
Colloidal graphite
added to oil is similarly adsorbed on bearing surfaces. It is useful for
the lubrication of spectrometer cones and, in machinery, it is especially
useful for the running-in operations to form a hard polished Beilby layer
on the bearing surfaces.23
For extremely heavy-duty
lubrication, mutton fat or Dutch grease is recommended. Dutch grease is
simply a combination of mutton fat with heavy petroleum oils.
It is desirable for
clocks and other delicate mechanisms to have an oil that is chemically
stable, does not corrode the metal parts, does not escape by spreading
or evaporating, and does not freeze easily.
The oils from the
head and jaw of the porpoise (Nye watch oil) and blackfish satisfy these
qualifications most completely. These oils, however, are quite expensive
($125.00 a gallon). Sperm oil is next in quality.
Soap is a good lubricant
for wood. Water is used between rubber and metal surfaces. Talc is often
used as a dry lubricant for nailing and so forth. Also graphite, especially
colloidal graphite, forms a good dry lubricant at ordinary and elevated
temperatures. It is used for lubricating lock barrels. Colloidal graphite
dispersed in water or glycerin has film-forming properties which recommend
it for some applications. The glycerin dispersion is useful at low temperatures.
Espe, W.,
and Knoll, M., Werkstoffkunde der Hockoaknundechnik, page
199. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1936.
When soapstone, or massive talc, is heated to 500C.,
it gives off absorbed water. Heating it to 850C.
drives off the remaining water, and finally heating to 1300C.
gives a complete transformation of the mineral constituents. When the
material is transformed, the corresponding overall change of hardness
is from 1 to 6 on Moh's scale. Owing to these properties, soapstone is
very useful in the laboratory, since it can be easily machined before
it is fired, and after it is fired it gives a hard material having many
desirable properties. The shrinkage from firing is less than 1 per cent.
Firing from 24 to 48 hours at 1100C.
is the usual practice. It is said that a material with iron content is
not suitable for use in a vacuum, since it gives off gas. Imported Italian
soapstone is exceptionally free from iron impurities and is obtainable
in large blocks.25
Finely divided talc
can be pressed and fired at 1400C.,
giving a sintered body like that obtained from the massive mineral. The
shrinkage of the powder on firing is about 8 per cent. After firing, it
has the property that it is not attacked by acids or alkalies. It can
be welded to glass.
Talc, both fired
and unfired, is chemically inert; it is not attacked by acids (except
slowly by hydrochloric acid) or by alkalies. Fig. 14 shows the electrical
resistance of talc and 15 some other refractory materials as a function
of temperature.
Wood, R. W., Phys.
Rev., 44, 353 (1933).
2 I am
indebted to Dr. Carl F. J. Overhage for this procedure.
3 Burt,
R. C., J. O. S. A., 11, 87 (1925).
4 Barium
and strontium metal of a guaranteed purity of 99.5 per cent may be purchased
from the Varlacoid Chemical Company, 15 Moore Street, New York City.
Stock, A., and Cucuel,
F., Ber. deutech. chem. Ges., 67, 122 (1934).
6 Müller,
K., and Pringsheim, P., Naturwiss., 18, 364 (1930). See also Turner,
J. A., Pub. Health Bull., 39, No. 8 (1924). Goodman, Clark, "Mercury
Poisoning, A Review of Present Knowledge," Rev. Sci. Instruments, 9,
233 1 (1938).
7 Wollaston
and Taylor process wires are handled by Baker and Company, 54 Austen Street,
Newark, New Jersey. Littelfuses are obtainable from radio supply houses.
8 Tungsten,
molybdenum, and tantalum may be obtained from the Fansteel Products Company,
Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, and Callite Products Company, 595 Forty-Ninth
Street, Union City, New Jersey.
9 Chromel
is manufactured by the Hoskins Manufacturing Company, Detroit, Michigan.
Nichrome is manufactured by the Driver Harris Company, Harrison, New Jersey.
Ross' famous 60-inch mirror contains 70 Cu 30 Sn, an old Roman mirror
contains 64 Cu, 19 Sn, 17 Pb; an Egyptian mirror contains 85 Cu, 14 Sn,
1 Fe. Brady, G. S., Materials Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1931.
11 Fowle,
F. E., Smithsonian Physical Tables. Washington: The Smithsonian
Institution, 1934. Koehler, Arthur, Properties and Uses of Woods.
New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1924. Marks, L. S., Mechanical
Engineers' Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1930. "Mechanical
Properties of Woods Grown in the United States," Department of Agriculture,
Bull. 556.
12 Masonite
Corporation, 111 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois.
13 Pure
orange shellac is obtainable from William Zinsser and Company, 516 West
49th Street, New York City.
14 This
cement was developed by Marcus H. Brown.
15 Picein
and a rubber packing material, Dichtungsgummie, are obtainable
from the distributing agents of the New York Hamburg Rubber Company, Sehrader
and Ehlers, 239 Fourth Avenue, New York City.
16 Apiezon
compounds are obtainable from the James G. Biddle Company Philadelphia,
17 Espe,
W., and Knoll, M., Werkstoffkunde der Hockoaknundechnik, page 157.
Berlin: Julius Springer, 1936.
18 Bakelite
is manufactured by the Bakelite Corporation of America, 247 Park Avenue,
New York City.
19 Alkyd
resins may be obtained from the General Electric Company.
20 Lucite
is manufactured by E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware.
Plexiglas is manufactured by Röhm and Haas Company, 222 West Washington
Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
21 von
Angerer, Ernst, Technische Kunstgriffe bei physikalischen Untersuchungen.
Friedr. Vieweg und Sohn, 1936.
22 Hardy,
W. B., and Doubleday, Ida, Roy. Soc., Proc., 100A, 550 (1921-1922).
Finch. G. I., "The Beilby Layer," Science Progress, 31, 609 (1937).
24 Hughes,
H. lI., Bureau of Mines, Inf. Circ., No. 6553 (1931). Ladoo, Raymond
B., Bureau of Mines, Bull. 213, pages 80-81.
is obtainable from M. Kirehberger and Company, 1425 Thirty-Seventh Street,
Brooklyn, New York. |